Unleashing Your Future: Escaping the Illusion of Life's Peak

Are you stuck on the illusion of life's peak, basking in achievements but with no clue about your next step? Well, you're not alone. And believe it or not, the most liberating answer might just be: "I have no idea." Join me on an unexpected journey of self-discovery that starts at the pinnacle of success and leads to a world of endless possibilities.

The High of Achievements

Picture this: a casual social gathering, friends congratulating me on my career achievements and the life I've built. Usually, when someone fires off the "What's next?" question, I'd throw them a cheeky grin and say, "We'll see." That response used to fill me with a sense of pride and even euphoria, but this time around, things felt different. I was out of answers. I realized that what looked like the peak of my life had no upward path. I was stuck in an illusion of a peak.

When Pleasure Leads the Way

For days, that question gnawed at me. It sucked the joy and motivation out of life. Then, in a twist of irony, I found solace in a social media video that told me to cut back on social media. The video proposed an interesting theory: rediscover the simple pleasures of your childhood. It got me thinking about my younger days when I found immense pleasure in reading, writing, and fixing things. So, I gave it a shot, I picked up a book after 15 long years. Holding that new book, I felt like a kid in a candy store. Reading became my new-old happy place.

A Liberating Realization

As I turned the pages of these books, I stumbled upon the most satisfying answer to "What's next?": "I have no idea." And you know what? It didn't bother me one bit. On the contrary, it felt liberating. It spurred a barrage of new questions: How did I get here? What's worth congratulating me on? Why do we feel the need to have it all figured out?

Are We Just Sleepwalking?

Mulling over these questions led me to a shocking discovery: Most of us are sleepwalking through life. Our journey seems more influenced by external factors and circumstances rather than our own desires. We're living out someone else's plans—our parents, society, bosses, or spouses. It's like gliding through life without a roadmap, eventually finding ourselves stuck on an illusionary peak or trapped in a valley.

Carving Out Your Own Path

So here's a proposition. Let's wake up from this sleepwalking state and start planning our life. Here's how:

  • Reality Check: Grab a pen and paper. Write down where you stand in terms of health, wealth, relationships, and career. Remember, honesty is the key.

  • Dreaming the Dream: Now, for a moment, forget about all the constraints. Let your imagination run wild and visualize your perfect life.

  • Bridging the Gap: Look at each aspect of your dream life and write down the steps you need to take to get there. Be as detailed as you can.

  • Walking the Talk: Now is the time to act. Take those small steps every day, every week, and every month. Stay committed to your vision of a perfect life.

  • Keep Tweaking: As you embark on this journey, your outlook will evolve. Revisit your plan regularly and make adjustments—I do this every month.

And... Cut!

That's a wrap for this week! Life's a journey of self-discovery, and sometimes not knowing what's next is the most liberating feeling. Don't shy away from those questions—embrace them. Dive into your passions, craft your own life plan.

So, got a plan for life? Share your first step. I'd love to hear from you. Until next

Haitham Shendy

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